The Plot Thickens...
Ok, I confess. Nothing mysterious here today, I just thought that title might be a grabber. *G* But I do want to chat about plotting today. For many years I proudly proclaimed myself a SOTP writer. (SOTP = Seat Of The Pants). I would get the germ of a story and sit and write and see where the story and characters would take me. Ah...writing was fun and carefree. I couldn't wait to get back into the story to find out what was going to happen. Odd, maybe, since I was creating it. But that's how it was for me. It was almost like reading a book, except that I didn't even have the option of looking at the end to see what would happen. (No, I don't do that. But with a book it's always an option.)
I really miss those days of carefree writing, and I realize back then, my writing was mostly for my own enjoyment. I guess it could almost have been classified as a hobby. I didn't see it that way, but I also didn't know the rules of writing. Now I do. I'm seeking to learn more and more every day. And I've also learned that I'm not really a SOTP writer. *GASP!* What a shocker.
For some years I've thought I was somewhere in between. You know, a little pre-plotting to get a general idea, then just writing where the story leads. Yesterday I started some serious plotting for a new story I'm working on. I spent almost all day long plotting out this thing and looking up some general historical information to make sure I was on the right track with my plot. Good thing I did, because at the end of the day I ran into a serious problem. Had I SOTPed my way through, I would have had to go back and make alot of changes to the story, and maybe even go back to square one in research and, well, plot. I also discovered yesterday that I WANT to have a neat little packaged story synopsis ahead of time. Who'd'a thunk it! I wouldn't have.
So now I guess I'm going to have to embrace the fact that yes, I am a plotter. At least when it really matters. That thought sends chills up my spine. Why? Well, it's kind of freaky to think that I may actually be embracing what I used to think of as a dirty word. Organization!
Maybe it's just my age showing. I'm finally growing up.
I really miss those days of carefree writing, and I realize back then, my writing was mostly for my own enjoyment. I guess it could almost have been classified as a hobby. I didn't see it that way, but I also didn't know the rules of writing. Now I do. I'm seeking to learn more and more every day. And I've also learned that I'm not really a SOTP writer. *GASP!* What a shocker.
For some years I've thought I was somewhere in between. You know, a little pre-plotting to get a general idea, then just writing where the story leads. Yesterday I started some serious plotting for a new story I'm working on. I spent almost all day long plotting out this thing and looking up some general historical information to make sure I was on the right track with my plot. Good thing I did, because at the end of the day I ran into a serious problem. Had I SOTPed my way through, I would have had to go back and make alot of changes to the story, and maybe even go back to square one in research and, well, plot. I also discovered yesterday that I WANT to have a neat little packaged story synopsis ahead of time. Who'd'a thunk it! I wouldn't have.
So now I guess I'm going to have to embrace the fact that yes, I am a plotter. At least when it really matters. That thought sends chills up my spine. Why? Well, it's kind of freaky to think that I may actually be embracing what I used to think of as a dirty word. Organization!
Maybe it's just my age showing. I'm finally growing up.
But my big struggle right now is not writing at all. Yikes. I have four WIPS I haven't even touched in months.
And I'm so jealous that you've actually been in Ireland.
And, for the record, I DO read the ends of most books first. Yep. Gotta ensure a happy ending before I'll waste my time.
Need more caffeine to deal with this.